15 Things Only Call Of Duty Fans Will Understand

1. Suffering Through The Call Of Duty Cycle

call of duty mobile

The Call of Duty cycle defines the life of every Call of Duty fan. It starts around January, where the rumours about the next instalment start properly kicking into gear. At this point, you swear off the franchise; it's overdone, it's always the same, it's terrible, it's past its prime.

Then, a few months later, the game officially gets announced. It's a hot sequel/reboot/interesting new idea, but you've been burned a few too many times before. Then E3 hits, and the gameplay actually looks good. You start reading articles about how it's going to be "the best Call of Duty in years" and your cold heart begins to melt.

Cut to a month before launch and suddenly you're all in, hype levels hitting the roof.

You're looking forward to weekends spent eating takeaways and playing endless hours of multiplayer. Launch day comes and it's as good as you wanted it to be, that itch scratched the only way Call of Duty can.

But then, those familiar problems raise their heads - everything I've written about on this list - and the fun begins to disappear. Even worse, Activision starts tampering with the economy and begins to nickel and dime you. The affection quickly sours, and you decide it's the worst Call of Duty yet.

Then it's January again.

This is the Call of Duty Cycle, and we all go through it every year without fail.


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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3