15 Upcoming Video Games To Make A Wii U Worth Buying

2. Star Fox

The upcoming Wii U Star Fox game is the first core entry into the series since 2005's DS title Star Fox Command, and so, unsurprisingly, expectations are sky-high. The game has only been shown off behind closed doors to journalists to date, though this is what's known so far: the game will use the Wii U gamepad to give players dual perspectives, and the story will unfold in a TV show-esque, episodic format. IGN also noted that, though the gamepad mechanics were interesting, the game is still in the early tech demo stages, and what was shown off was neither visually stunning nor apparently indicative of what the final product will look like. Nintendo are looking to partner with an external developer to speed up the process and hopefully ship the game by the end of the next year, but time will tell. The Wii U needs more games that make inventive use of the gamepad, so hopefully these compelling mechanics won't get lost in the shuffle when the game (probably) hits stores around a year from now. Release Date: TBA 2015
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.