15 Weirdest The Legend Of Zelda Spin-Offs

9. The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past (Barcode Battler II)

legend of Zelda wand of gamelon

The Barcode Battler was a strange device that has largely been forgotten. The system allowed you to scan everyday barcodes or specially made ones on purchasable cards to get heroes, weapons, and monsters to use in a game.

Sounds cool right? The problem was these battles were represented exclusively through numbers, no images on screen, just numbers.

Whilst that sounds about as fun as using Excel apparently the Japanese disagreed as it sold so well over there that the system's successor was released worldwide.

For the system's successor, the appropriately named Barcode Battler II, Nintendo created some The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past cards that could be scanned into the game.

You think maybe the second Barcode Battler would have actual images. Nope, it was still just a bunch of numbers, just this time you could pretend that those numbers were Zelda characters, yay?

The Barcode Battler II had quite a few The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past cards including a couple of Link's, ten different items, and 18 different monsters. The thing is it could have 1000 Links and it wouldn't matter because in reality, that's just 1000 different numbers pretending to be Link.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.