15 Worst Video Game Characters Of 2013

1. Alpha And Bravo (Army Of Two: The Devil's Cartel)

Army Of Two series exists in that limbo between good and bad: it's just too bland to be good but not terrible enough to be bad. Being so bland you'd think that it would at least use its characters to hook people in to the game. Kane and Lynch did it to good effect being an undoubtedly sub par gaming experience but at least having interesting main characters. Compared to Alpha and Bravo from Army of Two, they come across like Ellie and Joel. The last Army of Two game put you in control of Salem and Rios who at least had their own personalities, even if they were just your typical dude bro action game jocks. Devils Cartel instead had you playing as Alpha and Bravo, two mostly nondescript characters who are intended to make you feel more like part of the game but instead leave you wondering why you bothered. It does try to force in some conflicting opinions between the two, but I do emphasise the word FORCE. They mindlessly shoot their way through the minimal story while throwing out the same high school level insults at each other and yucking it up at the expense of their enemies. Though its admirable that the game was designed specifically for co-op play in mind, it's not that great a game to play. What's even worse is that gamers who pre ordered the game also had the option to replace Alpha and Bravo with rappers B.O.B and Big Boi who provided the games soundtrack. Most opted to stick with the faceless originals. Which characters do you think were the worst of 2013? Share your own choices below in the comments thread.

I''m a freelance media producer and writer. Im into sports, gaming, TV and music but I mostly write about wrestling. Thanks for reading!