15 Worst Video Games Of The Decade (So Far)

7. Knack

When does blandness and miss-marketing your game turn into something that's genuinely annoying and worth addressing? Knack provided the answer last year in every fibre of its being, releasing supposedly as a new PlayStation mascot 'for the kids!' yet being harder and more unforgiving than Dark Souls' opening stretch. The thing is, the challenge was fine, it just didn't belong in this game whatsoever - and that's before you get to the atrocious manga-style cutscenes, dialogue and plot motivations that make no sense, alongside the character himself who's about as memorable as the pile of farm tools he was assumedly based on. A rudimentary platformer really shouldn't draw the ire of the masses, but when there's zero progression, terrible checkpoint placement, instant-death/restart all sections and an overall sense of phoning it in - it makes you long for the days of Crash and Spyro more than ever.
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Gaming Editor

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