15 Worst Video Games Of The Decade (So Far)

5. Duke Nukem Forever

Ever be in the middle of an essay or task at work, and after enough time with it you get to that stage where you're just like "F-this, I just want it to be done", so you just get it handed in to be on your merry way? It feels like that's what happened with Duke, as even despite his 15 year development time, eventually the battered husk of a once parody-filled action-hero trope emerged as broken as his appeal in the modern era. Instead of fitting right in lampooning the likes of Stallone or Schwarzenegger in their 90s prime, Forever's humour now fell back on the weakest parts of what went before, over-indulging in offensively sexist gimmicks like a 'Capture the Babe' mode, an alien cave filled with butthole-themed doors you'd tickle to unlock, and an overall sensation that you were playing something destined for the bargain bin. There are most likely people reading this who are younger than Duke's development time, and even that isn't as shocking as how terribly assembled every part of this comes across.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.