15 WTF Moments In The Bioshock Trilogy

6. Columbia Shows Its True Colors - Bioshock Infinite

bioshock infinite

'There's something wrong with this place. I know it.' Every player likely had their concerns upon first walking through Columbia as it was being sold as a true paradise. Yet, nothing really seemed to be wrong with it. That is, until Booker shows up to the auction and see that he's won a special kind of drawing. What is it he wins? Well, the opportunity to throw a baseball at an interracial couple, of course!

This reveal is the turning point of the plot as everyone on the floating island is now hostile and sees you as Public Enemy #1. Another part of this moment that contributes to its shock value is the graphic violence that comes once Booker uses a security guards Skyhook against himself. It's completely brutal and goes beyond any violence seen previously in the series.

Following the events at the auction, Columbia is no longer that paradise you thought it was and becomes a constant battleground. Hopefully you took the time to enjoy that barbershop quartet beforehand!

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Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.