15 WTF Moments In The Bioshock Trilogy

7. The Bunny Audio Diary - Bioshock

Bioshock Vita Chamber
2K Boston

Each of the Bioshock games have dozens upon dozens of different audio logs (or Voxophones in Infinite) that stand out for their own reasons. 'The Wild Bunny' is a major standout not only because of the general 'WTF' nature of the whole thing, but because of its true meaning and how Sander Cohen's character is expanded through what is said.

At first, the mentions of rabbits seems to be just a crazy man's ramblings. However, on further examination, you notice that all of the splicers (and Cohen himself) wear a bunny mask to cover up their damaged faces. Through Cohen's passionate discussions on how he wants to take the ears off, this seem to be a proclamation on how much he wishes he could fix his deformities.

This is likely the same struggle that other splicers face as they too wear masks to hide their scarred appearances. After (up to this point) wiping out so many of them, this tape humanizes not only the deeply-troubled Cohen, but many of the other splicers too who almost can't help but be as damaged as they are mentally when they're so scarred and traumatized on the outside.

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Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.