15 WTF Moments In The Bioshock Trilogy

5. Daisy Fitzroy Holds A Child Hostage - Bioshock Infinite

bioshock infinite

Daisy Fitzroy was the leader of the rebellious Vox Populi who served as an opposing group to Columbia's religious leader, Comstock. She was shown to be charismatic, intelligent, and someone who followed a strict code that prioritized citizen wellbeing and good fortune. With all of that put into consideration, it's easy to be surprised when you discover her holding a young child hostage to gain an advantage over you.

While she wasn't a squeaky-clean do-gooder beforehand, Fitzroy's transformation into corrupted rebel leader seemingly came out of nowhere and was unexpected for players who felt she was the lesser of two evils. That being said, the game was definitely expressing a message of how winning a rebellion can lead to someone being worse than the oppressive force itself; a point illustrated when Booker says "The only difference between Fitzroy and Comstock is how they spell their names."

This moment receives its final 'Oh s***' when Elizabeth's the one to kill Daisy, leading to her going through a personal transformation as well. The Vox Populi lose their leader, Elizabeth has blood on her hands, and players realize that neither side is truly 'right.'

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Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.