15 WTF Moments In The Bioshock Trilogy

10. Suchong Gets What's Coming To Him - Bioshock Infinite: Burial At Sea Part 2

Bioshock Concept Art 5
Kasra Farahini

Doctor Suchong is largely responsible for much of what corrupted Rapture and its citizens, so his level of bad karma was always going to lead to an unhappy ending for him. However, many players likely didn't expect to actually witness the moment that Suchong got what he deserved.

A callback from an audio log detailing the moment Suchong met his demise, Elizabeth walks up to see Suchong abusing a Little Sister, only to then have to face down an extremely-angered Big Daddy. Even if you forgot what Suchong's final fate was, the writing was on the wall in regards to the inevitable ending of this encounter. After attempting to run, Suchong gets quickly impaled and disposed of, leaving you to witness the gruesome events.

Considering how much of a pain Suchong is throughout the Burial at Sea DLC, it was shocking to see this moment unfold in real-time, especially since the story was focused more on the final confrontation with Atlas. That being said, it's hard to deny how satisfying it was to see Suchong get his just desserts from his own monstrous creation.

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Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.