15 WTF Moments In The Bioshock Trilogy

9. Return To Rapture - Bioshock Infinite

Bioshock infinite

Although Columbia was undoubtedly beautiful and full of color, the nostalgic and haunting quality of Rapture's underwater dystopia were missed. Little did they realize that in the midst of a heated final confrontation between Booker and the Songbird, Elizabeth would rip a tear that warps them right into Rapture, leaving the bird to slowly fall into the depths of the sea.

Walking around the same area from the intro of the first Bioshock was not only a real treat, but a moment completely out of left field as Infinite largely avoided tying itself in with the rest of the series and made no previous mention of anything in-universe.

The time you spend there is short, but extremely effective in how it ties the worlds of Colombia and Rapture together so that it forms one collective in-game universe.

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Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.