15 WTF Moments In The Bioshock Trilogy

8. "Once Again, Young Fitzpatrick" - Bioshock

bioshock rapture
2K Games

Considering how over-the-top and dramatic Sander Cohen is, it's only fitting that your first contact with him comes in the form of an exploding piano. Starting out relatively unsure of who he is or what he's like, you learn quickly just how 'eccentric' he is, as well as how sociopathic. All that's required for him to make a strong first impression is a TNT-covered piano and a couple wrong notes hit by poor old Fitzpatrick.

What makes this initial first impression just so...off is Cohen's insistence that you photograph particular bodies he wishes to display. At this point, players were already exposed to the twisted nature of people like Doctor Steinman, but this obsessed sociopathic artist stepped things up in terms of both unpredictability and brutality with just this single moment.

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Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.