16 Best Video Game Moments Of 2018

9. The Old Man's Speech - Minit

Minit game

A game where a life only takes a minute, Minit challenges you to complete hunting quests, fetching items or talking to people in supremely short segments.

The beauty of its design comes from how unlockable items will carry across various "lives", letting you open up pathways next time you respawn, and from then on out it's how you uncover the entire map.

However, because time is a factor and your eye is constantly glued to the top of the screen, the point where you encounter a sweet old man talking, one... word... at... a... time, is the perfect 'gamification' of feeling your life waste away when stuck doing anything painfully boring. Not to mention, you're already up in arms trying to make the most of your "day".

The secret this man tells you is essential, but it takes a lifetime to figure out.

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