16 Biggest Jump-Scares In Gaming

11. Mortal Kombat - Flesh Pits Monster

You've just earned a huge amount of koins via means of eviscerating and decapitating your opponents in the name of Kombat. Where do you venture to? The Krypt of course! Here you get to splurge your well-deserved blood-money by purchasing and unlocking even more ways to kill your foes (fatality command inputs) along with some concept art and other interesting (and stupid) bits and bobs. As you traverse the torture-victim-populated grounds of the Krypt a demonic looking flesh-pit monster flashes onto the screen accompanied by a piercing screech. You bought Mortal Kombat for the means to batter and murder fellow warriors, not to be scared sh*tless by some fearsome creature whilst on a shopping spree.

10. Silent Hill - Locker Room Delight

In hindsight, Silent Hill was essentially creepy from beginning to end, but that didn't stop the developers from ramping up the jump-scares as you progressed. In the otherworldly version of the elementary school you enter a locker room with a thunderous banging noise like something is trapped within one of the lockers. After investigating one and finding nothing but a splattering of blood and gore, you go to leave for another room and are stopped in your tracks by a locker busting open behind you and a hellish minion falling out.

Ardent gaming enthusiast who lusts for a taste of working in the industry. Fighting game bruiser who would play professionally if he could learn to block just that little bit more. Bartender on the side and used to be a freelance Makeup Artist. Enthralls everywhere he goes.