16 Biggest Jump-Scares In Gaming

9. Condemned 2: Bloodshot - Mannequin Display

Whilst these petrifying mannequins were present in the games predecessor they are exceptionally creepy in this sequel. As you meander through a series of commuter tracks (and avoiding psychopathic murderers along the way), you come across a lone store mannequin kitted out in some classy threads. After being initially startled you turn around and wish to god you hadn't, as there are now several static mannequins blocking your exit. As you scurry about, the mannequins still appear from behind as you look over your shoulder and continue to do so until you escape from their sinister clutches. You'll never grab the boob of a shop mannequin ever again after this.

8. Dead Space - The Necromorphs

Dead Space employs a ton of fiendishly good scares throughout your journey as an engineer named Isaac Clarke on the USG Ishimura mining ship. As you explore the interstellar starship you encounter a variety of Necromorphs; aliens that have taken host to deceased humans and have joyfully reanimated their corpses in nightmarish fashion. Dead Space has been criticised for it extensive use of jump-scares but to be honest it doesn't stop you from screaming at them for the majority of the game. Necromorphs also possess the bowel-emptying deception of 'playing dead', so an enemy you believe you've defeated could quickly become vigorous once again and attack you with freshly-sprouted limbs, birthing other extraterrestrial abominations in the heat of battle.

Ardent gaming enthusiast who lusts for a taste of working in the industry. Fighting game bruiser who would play professionally if he could learn to block just that little bit more. Bartender on the side and used to be a freelance Makeup Artist. Enthralls everywhere he goes.