16 Biggest Video Game Plot Twists Of The Decade (So Far)

2. Konrad Was A Hallucination - Spec-Ops: The Line

Although 2013 felt like the year indie titles really came into their own, 2012's Spec-Ops was one of the first games to take a more indie-tinged focus on narrative choice and apply it to a Gears of War-styled military shooter. The thing with Spec-Ops was it didn't look all too inviting - at face value it was 'just another shooter', although for those that scratched away at the surface they found a brilliant Apocalypse Now-style tale of a soldier behind enemy lines who's slowly lost his mind. However, the big reveal at the close of the game wasn't necessarily about Konrad, the person you were hunting. Instead it's revealed that although he was real, the version you've been in contact with throughout a substantial amount of the game was a manifestation of your own psyche, with Konrad appearing to be more ruthless and hellbent on killing the more you became. Many flashback scenes reveal that the team you were with never came into contact with Konrad, and your character Captain Walker's descent into madness is shown everywhere from the game's loading screen text to the brutality of his melee kills. With Konrad being a hallucination of the worst parts of Walker's determination to succeed despite his mistakes in an intense war zone, the game ends with you choosing whether or not to kill him, one of the following scenes letting you then slaughter the rescue team that arrives, assuming the position Konrad was in before the game had even begun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lauUirttVhs
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