10. Haytham And His Order Are Templars - Assassin's Creed III
AC III was the
first major misstep in a franchise that was already starting to outstay it's yearly-appearances with AC: Revelations, and it didn't help that after all the advertising showing you'd be playing as a bow n' arrow'd up badass Connor amongst the American Civil War, instead there was a good hour or so devoted to embodying Haytham Kenway - a very regal Englishman who appeared to be an Assassin. Obviously 'appeared to be' was the choice phrase, as this was the game where Ubisoft decided to open the floodgates and essentially say that anyone could be an Assassin - so close was the fight between both they and the Templars, that the latter had taken to adopting their practices in combat to the point where they moved and operated exactly the same. Cut to before you find all this out and the game's way of breaking it to you is to throw up an Achievement called 'How D'ya Like Them Apples?' right after you presume you're watching a new member of the Assassin's order being welcomed. It's a brilliant scene and marked a high point for Ubisoft's writing when it came to establishing these two world-dominating forces - just a shame there's not been anything as memorable on a narrative level since. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXIc5KSZrH4