16 Essential Open-World Video Games Coming In 2017 & 2018

13. Crackdown 3

Crackdown 3

Once looking to release closer to the beginning of the Xbox One's lifecycle, Crackdown 3 is finally hitting shelves this November. The beloved superhero cop-sim was one of the most iconic 360 titles of the 2000s, only for a barebones, glorified DLC sequel to kill all momentum stone-dead.

Still, Crackdown's concept of being an increasingly powerful superhero is a strong one, letting you take down groups of criminals and gang bosses by way of throwing cars, firing off rocket launchers or crushing them with a skyscraper-leaping ground-pounds.

The jury's out on just how many - if any - new mechanics Microsoft are adding, but if they can nail the satisfying gameplay loop of enemy-destruction, Agility Orb collection and freeform super-jump exploration, it should be more than enough.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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