16 Laziest And Ill-Conceived Pokémon Ever

7. Binacle/Barbaracle - Gen VI

Pokémon from Generation VI were not going to avoid this list for too long. With the introduction of only 70 new Pokémon (give or take), the lowest amount ever, you would think that designers would ensure that every single Pokémon would be well thought out and creative but that was not the case at all. Binacle and Barbaracle are a pair of Pokémon that forces players to scoff and exclaim "really...come on". Outrageously egregious, some are already calling Binacle the franchise's worst, but that is up to debate. However, I would not make too much of an argument against it. Based on barnacles, this Pokémon somehow took that inspiration and turned it into a pair of hands growing out of rock, resulting in a Pokémon that looks so unappealing that I'm surprised other Pokémon in the universe don't shun it as a mistake by whatever god it is that Pokémon worship. In a failed attempt to make amends by evolving this Pokémon into something "cool", Binancle turns into Barbaracle, a Pokémon so horrendous and over-the-top you wonder if the designers were even trying. Barbaracle believes that more of what made it ugly in the first place will somehow convince players that they will like it. It's doesn't. It's a pair of rocks with hands for legs and a head. Even the hands have eyes. It is just bad, pure bad. If there was ever a sin in Pokémon creation, Binancle and Barbaracle certainly is it.
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From filling an empty stomach to sleeping in until noon, Chris Combs ensures to enjoy all of life's simple pleasures. Poet, explorer, and all around gentlemen. This scholar is a pop-culture melting pot of useless information that would win any game of trivial pursuit. Follow him on Twitter to get inside his mind @OrganicChris23