16 Most Controversial Gaming Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

12. Watch Dogs' Graphical Downgrade

One of the first next-gen titles to be publicly unveiled, it didn't take long for the promise and hype of Watch Dogs to reach stratospheric levels; with eye-popping visuals and a genuinely innovative gameplay hook, this was the big release that everyone thought would welcome in the next evolution of video games. But two years and two delays later and this once-promising title had crumbled under its own weight. While its disappointing gameplay can be placed squarely on the problems of pre-release hype, the head-scratching graphical downgrade was an aspect of the final release that just didn't sit well with any who eventually played. Looking like an extremely stripped-back version of its former self, gamers were left wondering just what the hell happened to this once beautiful title. Even though the game's developers swore that the end product hadn't been downgraded, the difference between the final release and the 2012 reveal trailer was night and day though, and became nothing other than the perfect visual reminder of all of Watch Dogs' shortcomings.
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3