16 Most Controversial Gaming Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

10. DriveClub's Server Meltdown

Originally a PS4 launch title and one of the first next-gen video games to be revealed to the public, DriveClub eventually came out a year later than it was supposed to and the absolute trainwreck of its release became an living nightmare for all owners of Sony's new console. A driving game fuelled by a great emphasis on network functionality and sharing your experiences with others, the entire online component of the title imploded upon release, rendering the racer virtually unplayable for weeks, if not months after it hit store shelves. But to make matters worse (and why DriveClub earned its spot on this list) was that this network collapse not only affected fans who were anticipating this exclusive title, but the server disaster also managed to burn virtually everyone who owned a PS4. Even before the console's release, Sony had promised that a stripped back version of the game would be made free to every player who was subscribed to it's online service Playstation Plus, but because of the game's disastrous server problems the deadline for the subscription version of the game came and went, and even now months after release it doesn't look like Playstation players will be seeing this title as a free download any time soon.
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3