16 Most Controversial Gaming Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

9. Hatred's Violence And Censorship

Every single part of the furor around 2014's Hatred culminated into an ugly, ugly mess of an argument about censorship and the limits of creative expression. The game itself caused such a fuss because of its depiction of a small-town mass murder, in which you weren't given control of a hero trying to prevent people from being hurt, but were actually supposed to assume the role of the genocidal maniac yourself, gutting and shooting your way through innocent civilians. The graphic content of the game would have been enough to secure this title a place on this list on its own, but Steam's knee-jerk reaction to pull the game from its store - effectively banning it from sale - only fuelled the fire around this controversial shooter. While it was later reinstated on Steam the damage had already been done, and neither party on either side this horrific experience managed to emerge unscathed.
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3