Does anyone out there think The Last Guardian might not actually exist? That we were all put under some hallucinative trance back in 2009 when it was first announced, and that 2015's E3 showing just had a five minute segment with a totally blank screen? I mean, that must be the case, right? Because the alternative is a game that's taken six years to put together, showed off essentially the same level in both 2009 and 2015, and even after the initial time period between those dates, still had to be given at least another year in the oven. Accepting that it does exist, Sony and Team ICO have penned in a super-spurious '2016' date as when you'll finally get to play TLG, but the question remains - just what the hellhappened to halt the game's progress so severely, and why did Sony never categorically cancel the project in the years following?