16 Most Ridiculous WTF Moments In Metal Gear Solid History

8. All The Stupidly Over-Sexualised Moments

To be honest, considering the fuss everyone's kicking up over a half-naked sniper - you don't see them applying the same logic to guys like Vulcan Raven or Liquid Ocelot being over-muscled beefcakes, the camera zooming in on Ishmael's behind in Phantom Pain's intro, or the fact literally every man in the series can be stopped dead at the sight of a porn mag or a woman revealing an inch of flesh. Metal Gear's never purported to be anything close to an accurate representation of gender equality - other than to poke fun at both sides. Hell, you identify Meryl in enemy uniform in the first game by staring at her ass wiggle, something that simultaneously is a "Am I right, fellas?!" just as much as it's a "Oh, you guys" response. Quiet's character model is over the top in a really dumb way (check out the explanation for her revealing attire here) but MGS has dabbled in the sexually absurd since day one, with both sides looking as ridiculous as each other.
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