16 Most Ridiculous WTF Moments In Metal Gear Solid History

9. Quiet's ACC Animations

Oh Quiet, you crazy super-sexy minx who no man is allowed to admit they find attractive. The character design in general is purposefully obtuse for the sake of (assumedly) making a point about how a woman's sexual allure - especially in video games - will always outweigh her character and inner-most thoughts, yet if you choose to buddy up with her on a mission, you'll later get a stupidly overblown scene that goes a little bit too far trying to make it stick. Forget the shower scene and random frolicking in the rain, it's Quiet straight-up dangling her boobs in your face before turning around and posing with her backside that's the most egregious thing you'll see. The best part is this animation doesn't actually trigger unless you stare at her chest directly, which again you could totally argue is Kojima illustrating a point by creeping you out with the following animation. Maybe so, maybe not, but that pause as she looks back is pure American Pie "Hey big boy" territory.
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