16 Most Ridiculous WTF Moments In Metal Gear Solid History

3. The Beauty & The Beast Unit (And All The Photoshoots)

As much as you can try and get on board with Kojima's portrayal of gender and the social trappings that come alongside it, MGS 4's Beauty & the Beast Unit was something truly special indeed. So, there's this bunch of warrior-women. They all have extremely oppressive pasts, building their own suits of armour and joining up after first having their respective villages stormed, parents killed or selves abused - already it's not sounding like the rosiest day at the office. Then you fight them, as they mostly scream out in pain or roar hostilities at you, to which when you've won, they strip down to skintight suits and parade around, letting you take photos as they bend over and pull off intimately sexy poses. Makes... sense? Before MGS 4 we had this sort of thing in the bonus MGS: Special Missions on PS1, where you could essentially get all up in Mei Ling's below-skirt business, before Peace Walker's intro let you zoom in on a very young Paz, resulting in an X-Ray shot that took her down to her underpants.
Oh, but it's "to see if you would", you big horny devil you. Well... maybe, but mostly it's just weird, to be honest.
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