16 Most Ridiculous WTF Moments In Metal Gear Solid History

14. Liquid Ocelot's Secret Kiss & Final Reveal

In the world of MGS everyone's either not who they seem, under some sort of hypnotic spell, a clone, an A.I. or an apparition. Potentially a mix of all five. One particular character even gets possessed by another's dead hand - as you do. Liquid Ocelot is the merger between Liquid's arm and Ocelot, whereby until the very end of the game we were led to believe the former had fully taken control of Ocelot's mind. However, as you're standing triumphant following one last showdown atop the ship Outer Haven, Ocelot reveals he actually induced himself into a multi-year long hypnosis, just to evade the overarching Patriot A.I. system that governs the land based on ID'ing everyone it comes across. So, Liquid's arm never actually commanded him, and that voice we all heard in MGS 2 was him putting on... one hell of an impression? It's probably best not to think about it, as for no reason whatsoever, Ocelot dies mimicking a hand-gesture he's not actually pulled off in a good, ooh, fifty years? Why? Because Metal Gear. That's why. Don't miss the option to have Ocelot kiss you on the cheek either. Simply don't fight back as he gets you in a chokehold when the MGS 3 theme kicks in during the final battle, and he'll plant one on Snake's cheek, just for kicks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bfy0I2gRCs8
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