16 Most Ridiculous WTF Moments In Metal Gear Solid History

11. "Such A Lust For Revenge... WHOOOOOOOO?!???"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xeGE_5kSI0 Without delving into The Phantom Pain's inner plot-workings, let's just say Skull Face is a pretty enigmatic character with a penchant for grand entrances and epic speeches. It comes as a brilliant counter-point then, that right near the middle of the story, upon witnessing his prized Metal Gear seemingly activating by itself, he elects to bellow the word "WHOOO!!!???" like he's falling down a mineshaft. There's nothing else like it in the game, and proves Kojima knows exactly how to birth a meme one minute, just as he's about to open the book on socio-political diatribes the next.
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