16 Most Ridiculous WTF Moments In Metal Gear Solid History

10. The Ladder

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgaYe4ZYYyY Like some crazy philosophical test of willpower, 'The Ladder' in MGS 3 has been labelled as everything from poetic genius, to the truly absurd. Objectively, it's you - as Naked Snake - climbing one gigantic ladder from a semi-fixed perspective, for what feels like a half-hour as the Snake Eater theme plays in full. Does it act as a reminder for how far you've come, illustrating a moment of breathing room in a hectically concoctive world of super-soldiers and intense stealth situations? Perhaps the whole thing was a mistake and the game auto-generated the ladder multiple times before loading the next area, so they thought they'd leave it in for a laugh? It could be both, it could be neither. The reality is this ended up being one of the most talked-about segments of any game in history, leaning just as much towards having 'narrative weight' as it does making you question whether you're simply stuck in a glitch.
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