16 Severely Underrated Video Games That Deserve A Second Chance

8. The Evil Within

Some say Resident Evil died when Shinji Mikami left Capcom, but a few more would twist the knife saying even Resident Evil 4 shook too many things up from the franchise's isometric origins for the worst anyway. Whatever your take on what Resi 'should' be, 2014's Evil Within saw Mikami take that blueprint and create a fantastic title that - in its early moments especially - feels like the proper followup to RE4 that the gun-happy RE 5 was. Plot-wise it's a forever-questioning trip into the 'mind of a madman' where main character Sebastian Castellanos (just go with it) enters a Mental Hospital, only to find himself amongst a sea of demons, antagonists and questionable motives from characters he should call his friends. It's all a bit crazy, but for the combat and enemy design it's brilliant. Boss battles have an old school feel where you can crack them if you study their movements long enough, and with a real focus on ammo-scarcity that literally means you have to make sure every bullet counts, Evil Within's approach to Weternised horror is still quite the hidden gem.
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