16 Severely Underrated Video Games That Deserve A Second Chance

7. The Punisher

Sadly they've been disbanded now, but back in the day (of 2004) both THQ and Volition were firing on all cylinders, putting out this unbelievably satisfying third-person shooter that ended up getting short-thrift assumedly down to not offering much more than another grizzly-looking guy mowing down criminals. At the end of the day though, when it's done this well, what else do you need? Playing as Frank 'The Punisher' Castle - and voiced perfectly by Thomas Jane reprising his role from the movie of the same year - the main hook was interrogating/torturing perps for information (or just your own sick delight), something that let you do everything from holding them in front of a charging rhino to slamming their heads in the lid of a piano to any and everything in between. When the levels are as varied as going from New York's Central Zoo up to Stark Tower (complete with Iron Man cameo) and the gunplay is visceral and limb-severingly devastating as it is here, it's an all-round great shooter that very rarely gets its due.
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Gaming Editor

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