16 Severely Underrated Video Games That Deserve A Second Chance

5. Beyond Good & Evil

Ubisoft have a habit of shining their spotlight on all the wrong franchises sometimes. Last year it was all about Assassin's Creed: Unity's hilariously monumental crapshoot of a 'game' - all while Child of Light and Valiant Hearts fell by the wayside. So too back in 2003 the studio put all their media-might into backing the spectacular Prince of Persia reboot, yet it left little room for the equally brilliant Beyond Good & Evil. Starring the pugnacious Jade and her loveable pig Pey'j - along with one of the catchiest melodies in gaming history with the "Mammago's garage" theme (you'll see), the whole thing oozed charm from the get-go. It wasn't just through the aesthetics though, gameplay-wise Beyond had everything from tight platforming to satisfying Zelda-style combat - and even a couple of stealth sections that worked very well all things considering. To this day it remains one of the most overlooked titles in history considering the budget and talent behind it (Rayman's Michel Ancel helmed the whole thing), and with a sequel forever on the horizon, fans of this original will always rave about it to any who'll listen.
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