16 Severely Underrated Video Games That Deserve A Second Chance
12. Dark Sector
Following Gears of War's revolutionary perfecting of the third-person shooter formula titles like Kill.Switch and Operation Winback had tried, everybody and their granny suddenly had a cover mechanic bolted onto their game - even Harry Potter's Deathly Hallows tie-in of all things. However, none of them gave you access to a supernatural, mind-controlled spinning disc of death you can cut through dudes with in slow-motion, and it's the one thing where Dark Sector knows it's worth the asking price alone. You'll be unleashing the bladed glaive in all directions, zooming the camera up just as it decapitates an entire roomful of limbs at once, then leaving a pile of screaming soldiers whilst you embue it with fire to catch any stragglers thinking they got out alive. Not only that, but the shooting itself is as solid as they come, with a smattering of stealth kills, melee attacks and power-ups across the game that see you taking on the traits of felled bosses into the following areas. This essentially got thrown under the bus for looking and feeling like a Gears' clone - and it totally is, but if the idea of tackling demons and soldiers with the help of your detachable, spinning circle of death is enticing, it's also a no-brainer.