16 Trailers For 2013's Most Anticipated Games

9. Beyond: Two Souls

David Cage's Quantic Dream next game is Beyond: Two Souls after its last, Heavy Rain, shook up the market. Heavy Rain inspired heated debates from supporters and detractors about how the game handled story. The studio certainly have a unique style and blur the line between game and movie and that doesn't look like it is changing with B:TS Starring Ellen Page, with support work from Willem Dafoe, the game lets you control Jodie Holmes and her ghostly companion, Aiden. The game has been promised to explore ideas of the after life and what lies beyond our mortal selves. That seems like quite a lofty goal and regardless of where the game vs.film discussion goes, B:TS is going to be fascinating to experience.

8. The Last Of Us

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W01L70IGBgE The Last of Us seems like it has been in production forever, and well, that is because it has. The game has been on our radars for nearly two years now and Naughty Dog, who are famous for the Uncharted series, seem finally be ready to unleash undead hell on us. Forget Plants vs. Zombies. This is plants and zombies. In a neat twist on the genre, the story centers around a fungal disease that has spread to kill millions and leaves nature retake much of the land humans once ruled. Following the story of Joel as he escorts the daughter of a friend, Ellie, to a place where the society is much less harsh. From all the gameplay so far, it really looks great. It seems to be full of that cinematic scope the Naughty Dog are known for, and it has got lots and lots of people quaking with excitement.

Patrick Dane is someone who spends too much of his time looking at screens. Usually can be seen pretending he works as a film and game blogger, short film director, PA, 1st AD and scriptwriter. Known to frequent London screening rooms, expensive hotels, couches, Costa coffee and his bedroom. If found, could you please return to the internet.