16 Trailers For 2013's Most Anticipated Games

7. Watch Dogs

Watch Dogs has been the talk of the town since last E3. It is generally hard for a new IP to make such a splash in and among all the sequel, prequels and reboots. However with something as interesting and unique as Watch Dogs, it isn't hard to see why excitement is so high. Set in a vast open world, the player assumes a hacker who has the ability to access multiple electronic devices throughout the world he is in. Using his hacking ability to track down people, divert traffic, steal money, the applications seem pretty extensive. Roaming through a city, controlling it with your phone and messing with who you want sounds like GTA on drugs. Strong, techno drugs.

6. Destiny

From the creators of Halo, Bungie are gearing up to launch their new IP which is going to be massive. If that definition includes massively multiplayer online experience, that currently remains to be seen. However, it seems that the game is at least going to have some kind of extensive connectivity. Set in a post apolayptic future, humanity is on its last legs and survives by living under the Traveler (Think a massive jaw breaker floating in our atmosphere.) The specifics of the story are currently fairly vague but player will get the chance to create their own characters that they can run around the world in with their friends while the game "matches" them with other players. It all sounds fascinating and if it works well, then the game will have a massive audience and could really be something to behold. Disclaimer though: This game might not actually make it out the door in 2013. Seemingly it was, then it wasn't and then it may be back again. Here's hoping we get a polished, expansive and truly unique experience when ever it does finally poke its head out from Bungie's offices.

Patrick Dane is someone who spends too much of his time looking at screens. Usually can be seen pretending he works as a film and game blogger, short film director, PA, 1st AD and scriptwriter. Known to frequent London screening rooms, expensive hotels, couches, Costa coffee and his bedroom. If found, could you please return to the internet.