16 Video Games That Would Make Perfect Animated Movies

5. Banjo Kazooie

Besides the aforementioned Conker, Banjo Kazooie is perhaps the strongest card in Microsoft's deck for an animated feature film. Of course, where Banjo succeeds over Conker is that bringing a foul-mouthed, beer-swilling squirrel to movie-going audiences is likely to be considered a lot more riskier thank the almost fairy tale-like story of a backwoods bear and belligerent bird seeking to free the former's sister from a wicked witch. Microsoft has a very strong gaming portfolio, and many of their franchises do possess great film potential. However, when it comes to properties which are better suited to animation than live-action, their options are considerably thinner.
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Former Nintendo Power writer, current Nintendo Force writer. Wrote the book on Mega Man (The Robot Master Field Guide). Was once fired by Vince McMahon. Dabbles in video games, comic books, toys, and fast food curiosities. Once had a new species of exotic bird named after him. It died. You can find more of his writings, musings, and other such things on his websites at Nyteworks.net.