17 Classic Video Games That Must Be Remade

14. Silent Hill

Silent Hill Harry

Original Release Date: January 31, 1999

If Konami wants to erase those painful memories of the awful cash-grab that was 2012's Silent Hill HD Collection, they'll focus their efforts on a ground-up remake of the original game, similar in style to Capcom's remake of the original Resident Evil.

Though the original Silent Hill's visuals and wooden voice acting haven't aged especially well, the gameplay, style and atmosphere are all top-notch, and would lend themselves extremely well to a glossy remake.

How Likely Is It?: For starters, Konami doesn't seem particularly interested in artistic accomplishment these days, and with 2015's cancellation of the planned Silent Hills reboot, it seems that they may have cooled on the series entirely.

If they want a less-risky way to test how popular the series still is, a remake is probably the way to go, but again, their lessening involvement in anything that isn't mobile games or pachinko machines makes it hard to believe this will actually happen.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.