18 Best Moments From The Batman: Arkham Video Games

11. The Beginning Of A Long Halloween

Opening with a first person segment from the POV of one of Gotham's finest, Arkham Knight thrusts us into the hubbub of a busy evening at a Paul's Diner. It's Halloween night, and the diner is peppered with balloons and jack-o'-lanterns in celebration of the festivities.

All in all, it's a cozy, quiet evening (especially by Gotham standards), and even as a patron approaches Officer Owens and complains of a smoking customer in the back, there's no reason to believe that something's amiss. But you know what they say about the calm before a storm. As Officer Owens approaches the hooded figured in the back booth, a quiet Halloween night erupts into chaos: the diner transforms into a fiery hell, and demonic creatures overtake Officer Owens as he fires wildly into the crowd.

We cut to black before Scarecrow appears on screens across Gotham City, claiming responsibility for the night's attack and threatening further action. In one swift move we're given a demonstration of Crane's latest toxin, and damn if it wasn't terrifying.

Can you imagine how many innocents Officer Owens just gunned down? Enough to fill a pit.


Carlos Jimenez hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.