18 Best Video Game Moments Of 2016 (So Far)

2. Almost Everything - Overwatch

overwatch tracer

Yes, it's a 'cheat' having this be representative of an entire game, but Overwatch isn't about planned set-pieces, one-liners, explosions or character action moments - it's about them all, but with you pulling the strings.

Dynamic gameplay incarnate, Blizzard have crafted the perfect first-person shooter, one that has a character for everyone, and a Pixarian aesthetic that'll make you all warm and cozy inside.

From badass, sword-wielding ninjas deflecting bullets to flying mechs detonating and turning the tide of a fight, healing angels swooping across the battlefield to Red Dead Redemption-esque cowboys wiping out the opposition in a blur of automatic headshots - chances are if you've played it, you're already remembering your own personal 'hero moment'.

Watching Marvel's Avengers or Captain America: Civil War made me think of which games nail that sense of superheroes going head to head with everything popping off in the most enjoyable way possible. Overwatch is that ideology made digital, and remains one of 2016's most outstanding surprises in the process.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.