18 Essential PS4 Games Every Owner Must Play

3. Galak-Z

Galak-Z gameplay

When done well, less really is more - especially in the case of 2D graphics, as the sharply-rendered and purely anime-inspired look of Galak-Z attests. Now, don't let its sultry demeanour fool you; the explosions are always joyful and the ship combat wonderfully Asteroids-esque, but under the hood, the difficulty here will eat you alive.

See, you're tasked with piloting your fancy transformable ship across the galaxy, retrieving supplies, blasting aliens and switching form into a mech, just to take on larger foes. Controls are responsive to the point where you need to know them inside out for both ship forms, as right off the bat you can get swarmed off foes, or get stranded out in deep space with only an army of flesh-eating bugs between you and the next checkpoint.

It creates a great duality of being inviting whilst also retaining a decidedly old school difficulty curve; the result being one of the most proficient and rewarding top-down shooters of them all.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.