18 Essential PS4 Games Every Owner Must Play

2. Life Is Strange

life is strange
DontNod Entertainment

Like Monolith aping Assassin's Creed for Shadow of Mordor, relative newcomers Dontnod looked at Telltale's increasingly ropey productions and thought, "We can do that better."

The result was Life Is Strange, a narrative-branching experience you know very well, but with one killer mechanic that changes everything; time travel. No longer are you destined to choose a dialogue option or story choice and live with the consequences, now you could do so, before rewinding time and seeing how the other option would've gone.

This ends up alleviating that sense of 'missing out' on half the game you've bought, as most of us just know we're not going to go back through hours upon hours of storytelling yet again - as well as letting you indulge in telling a character what you really think, before defaulting to what's best for gameplay.

By shaking up the foundations in such a way, it allows you to have a 'master save' for the story, that also befits you to experiment with what's on offer - oh, and it doesn't hurt that the story is unbelievably impactful and genuinely moving towards its third and fourth chapters, either.

Life Is Strange is available to buy at Amazon.

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