18 Essential Xbox One Games Every Owner Must Play

7. Mad Max

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Avalanche Studios

Speaking of brilliant third-person action games, I'm crowning Mad Max '2015's Shadow of Mordor'; a game nobody expected to be any good, coming out and actually delivering a solid experience you can sink tens of hours into.

Avalanche Studios delivered yet again on some stunning visuals - seriously, the storms in this are breathtakingly devastating - as combat is very much the Arkham model of one-button counters and building meters to unleash specials.

However, where MM takes on a life of its own is in the survival elements. Combat encounters are brutal clashings of bone, oil and sand. The rusty bucket of engine parts Max calls his Magnum Opus is a vehicle that's a joy to bomb around in, and from collecting crafting components to ensuring you've got enough fuel and water to survive a long journey, Mad Max is a really surprising take on what could've been a completely rote release.

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