18 Greatest Last Levels In Gaming History

15. One Card Left To Play - Max Payne 3

The entire point of Max Payne is that the character you're playing isn't the typical action hero. A drunken, out of shape mess, the titular Max stumbles through levels without an ounce of grace haphazardly shooting everything in sight. It's actually a rather refreshing approach to a third person shooter, as the sense of weight and momentum that comes with being Max adds a sense of tactile believability to every gunfight.

Unfortunately though, the design decision often makes it feel like you're on the back-foot in fire-fights, always only scraping out of bouts no matter how graceful your gun-play.

But this third entry into the noir series' final level is entirely different from the rest, because with a newly rejuvenated, sober and goal-driven Max, players are finally in situation where you feel like the character isn't only reacting to the violence happening around him, but actually on the tactical offensive for once.

And the title's final level provides the perfect playground for Max's new-found love of anarchy, embodying the game's sense of the cinematic perfectly as you chase down the game's antagonist through a series of perfectly paced fire-fights. As the tension ramps up and the music swells to the beat of your explosive punishment, blowing through hundreds of faceless goons never felt so satisfying.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3