18 Hugely Anticipated Video Games That Must Be At E3 2015

16. Final Fantasy XV

For a while it felt like Final Fantasy was never going to reach the otherworldly sensibilities of that trilogy of VII, VIII and IX back on the PS1, but following the disastrous Lightning Returns spin-off from XIII, Square appear to know what they're doing with newest instalment XV (itself originating as Versus XIII years ago), bringing in a fantastically well-realised sci-fi/fantasy world that's surprisingly unique, tying into past entries in multiple ways. Oh, and have you seen the Ramuh summon? Seriously, you're not prepared... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_0OCZC8TVY Needless to say if Square are doubling down on delivering that graphical knockout punch the summon animations used to be synonymous with, they're putting their best foot forward. Whether the whole game can continue this level of spectacle or whether the 'Japanese boy-band'-aesthetic of the characters and their overblown personalities are going to grate after a while remains to be seen, but with just a one-area demo out there now, any footage is good footage where this is concerned.
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E3 2015
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