18 Hugely Anticipated Video Games That Must Be At E3 2015

17. Star Wars: Battlefront

Whether Star Wars fans en masse realise it or not, EA are gearing up to take them for a ride come November. Even following the initial reveal that purported to be comprised of "game footage" yet relied on canned animations and scripted sequences, the trailer ends with an immediate push for pre-order bonuses giving out "exclusive PS4 themes" and "in-game items." Big whoop. You need only think for a second on EA's past practices when it comes to money-grubbing DLC and in-game purchases dominating their online modes, factor in that Battlefront is multiplayer-only and the overwhelming realisation that its the forever-passionate Star Wars fans who are being targeted, and realise whatever content-parsing process they put in place will get devoured by legions of Lucas-lovers wanting to get their hands on every bit of it. All that said though, let's focus on the positives. Firstly it looks absolutely incredible - like genuinely jaw-dropping if the final version runs anywhere close to this initial reveal - and that's before you factor in the amount of unlockables that'll range from the Millennium Falcon to Darth Vader himself dropping into battle to help out their respective sides. Either way, fans and gamers alike need to see more of this to make a better judgement call, as right now there's sadly more in the against column than anywhere else.
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E3 2015
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