18 Reasons 2018's Biggest Video Games Might Suck

1. Questionable Politics - The Last Night

The Last Night
Odd Tales

Why It Might Suck: Though Odd Tales' upcoming cyberpunk platformer The Last Night was warmly embraced upon its E3 debut, controversy quickly threatened to derail the project entirely, as director Tim Soret's previous anti-feminist comments were taken to task on social media.

Though Soret apologised for the remarks, the game has nevertheless been subject to additional scrutiny for its perceived right-wing themes, which could have major critical and commercial ramifications in a time where those values certainly aren't fashionable.

Moreover, if the game's beautiful style is constantly invaded by its creator's questionable ideas about poverty and class, it's going to be extremely hard for left-leaning gamers to enjoy it.

Why It Might Not: In fairness, virtually nobody's actually had any substantial time to play the game yet, and it's entirely possible for players to enjoy a game while disagreeing with its overall worldview.

It just depends on how aggressive the message is and how it's baked into the game's overworld. If Soret can craft a smart, gorgeous, character-driven game that espouses his views in a respectful way, then perhaps the game isn't quite doomed as some suspect it is.

What are your concerns for 2018's biggest video games? Shout them out in the comments!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.