18 Underrated Hidden Gaming Gems Of The Current Generation You Need To Play

17. Asura€™s Wrath

Asura's Wrath Remember when Quick-Time Events (QTE€™s) were the €˜in thing€™? The first God of War heralded the idea of slowly extracting the eyeball of an unwilling Cyclops by way of mashing the crap out of an action button, and since then we€™ve had everything from opening hard-to-budge doors and gates in The Last of Us, to simply picking up a drink in Heavy Rain. Asura€™s Wrath is the story of an extremely angry man, set inside a world of ever-increasingly mental scenarios that continue to fuel his rage, allowing him to exact revenge on those who initially wronged him. If you€™ve seen the end of Akira, or witnessed a Dragonball Z character power-up, it€™s pretty much an entire game of that, but complete with QTE€™s padding out the interactive cutscenes. Where Asura excels though, is in its unremitting absurdity. Consider a planet-sized being attacking Asura€™s humanoid frame, only to have his country-sized thumb punched to death, or imagine a character being stabbed with a sword so long it bursts out the other side of the Earth. If that sounds like the kind of crazy anime-madness you like to get stuck into, Asura€™s Wrath is a bevy of batpoop-insane spectacles built from the ground-up to drop a jaw or three every few minutes.
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