18 Video Game Moments That Gave You Memories For Life

13. Beating Your First Challenging Dark Souls Boss

Dark Souls Ruin Sentinel boss

Everybody has one - the one boss that gave you more grief than any other. They'll demand hair be torn clean out and controllers tossed across rooms - but man, you'll feel satisfied once you actually succeed.

Both the Souls series and Bloodborne overall remain the purest tests of your gaming mettle; but it's the bosses where everyone starts comparing notes. There's something about seeing a screen-sized lifebar slowly get whittled away as you're constantly dodging, watching animations for times to strike and counting your potions to ensure you can take the occasional hit, that makes for a stressful and engaging "In the moment"-style feeling every single time.

You'll die in a Souls game first time through, that much is fact. But it's the getting back up, licking your wounds and pressing forward that will stick with you. Whether it's the first Asylum Demon, the demonic arachnid Quelaag or the twin-attack of Ornstein & Smough, all will push you to breaking point, just so the resulting satisfaction is like nothing else.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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