19 Scariest Video Game Moments Of The Decade (So Far)

9. That Damn Spider - Limbo

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J34Q6wWzIiE Limbo's a creepy game, no doubt about it - the black and white tones lend to the eerie atmosphere, cloaking environments in deep shadow and cultivating an almost primal fear of hidden threats. There's the feeling that you're never really safe, and (worse yet) never entirely sure of where the danger will come from. And considering that you can suffer an excruciating death by everything from bear-traps and pitfalls, to spikes and boulders - it's easy for paranoia to creep in, and have you jumping at shadows. Especially when there's a real chance that a massive spider will crawl out of the darkness, and impale you on it's legs. A giant. Hairy. Spider. Just when you thought you'd moved past THAT little phobia, Limbo rips the scab off and pours the salt. And what's really creepy about this particular moment is just how quiet it is - there's no snarling or snapping, just an eerie silence that somehow manages to make a giant spider even scarier than it already is.

Carlos Jimenez hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.