20 Awesome PS3 Exclusives You Need to Play Before Getting A PS4

12. Killzone 2

Killzone 2 Yep, another game set in a bleak apocalyptic future hits the list. Killzone 2 was extremely hyped back when it was coming out, looked pretty damn fancy and delivered both critically and in terms of sales upon release. Perhaps one of the most intuitive things about Killzone 2 was the peek and lean system that meant you'd spend less time standing there as an impervious bullet sponge and spent time thinking tactically about your next move. In most shooters the main character gets shot about twenty thousand times - Killzone 2 feels more natural, and much more like a real firefight might go. The game also marries together graphics and gameplay into a fluid, extremely pretty whole. Despite coming out in 2009 it still holds up today - although GTA V is pretty much the new benchmark for graphics - and is one of the most popular franchises currently on the Playstation. Plus, Killzone: Shadow Fall is coming out for PS4, and there's no better time to get caught up to speed with the series than right now!
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.